March 2016 38
Adobe Illustrator Tutorial
This tutorial will provide an introduction to Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator is a vector program used to create information graphics. It’s important to note that there is a huge difference between Illustrator and Photoshop, two Adobe programs that do very different things. Photoshop is a photo manipulation program. And although you can do some very rich illustration work […]
Making Charts in Adobe Illustrator
This exercise will provide an introduction to making charts in Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator allows you to enter data into a spread sheet and quickly generate pie charts, fever charts, bar charts, scatter plots and more. Illustrator is a vector based program which allows you to draw vector items. In a general sense, the term vector refers […]
Lynda: JavaScript Essential Training
This tutorial will teach you the basics of the core JavaScript language and syntax, hot to write it, where to put it and what tools you can use. JavaScript is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. Click here to go to the tutorial.
GIS: Add a layer from a CSV file
This tutorial will teach you how to add a CVS file to your map. A CSV (comma-separated values) file stores table data in a plain text format. This is an import/export format commonly supported by spreadsheet and database applications. After adding the data to the map, you will learn how to symbolize the data. Click […]
GIS: Create a Map
In this tutorial you will create the map explored in the previous tutorial. You will start by learning how to create a new map and adding the appropriate layers to the project. You will also learn how to set layer properties, define the map legend and how to change symbols. At the end of this tutorial, […]
GIS: Explore a Map
This tutorial will teach you how to open a web map. You then will learn how to navigate the map and work in the software using tools. This tutorial will allow you to explore volcanoes and the risk of lava flow on the island of Hawaii. Click here for a free trial of ArcGIS […]
Sport Statistics: 2015 NFL Preview
Sports statistics allow visual journalists the opportunity to analyze data, identify trends and learn how a player contributes to a team’s success. In this doubletruck previewing the 2015 NFL season, the data is presented in bar, doughnut and fever charts. The data demonstrates NFL’s transition to a pass first league. From a glance, the reader can quickly identify […]
Lynda: Data Visualization
Data visualization allows you to make complex numbers and abstract data tangible, visible and relatable with simple illustrations. In this series of tutorials, Bill Shander will show you how to understand data, craft a story the data tells, and determine the best visual model and details to use for that story. This tutorial will also discuss […]
How to Install and Use Brushes in Adobe Illustrator
Brushes can be an additional tool that can help you create complex designs more efficiently. Designers can create their own brushes or can quickly download stock brushes from websites. When downloading a free texture, it is important to look at the terms and conditions of use. This tutorial will break down how to install brushes […]
Create Realistic Vector Images
This tutorial will teach you how to create a complex vector image. A step by step guide will help you study a lot of high-level illustration techniques such as the Gradient Mesh, Dynamic Blend, Dynamic Art Brushes, Blend Art Brushes and more. While creating complex illustrations may seem difficult at first, breaking the work into […]
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